1. What is technology
    1. Materials, tools and plans
    2. Design a wheelbarrow
  2. How to say things with drawings
  3. How to say things with drawings
  4. Draw what you see
    1. Two types of drawings
    2. 3d oblique drawing
    3. Perspective drawing
  5. Push and lift objects
    1. Lift things with a lever
    2. Move things without touching them
    3. Do different things with levers
  6. Other classes of levers
    1. The three classes of levers
    2. Practical examples of different classes of levers
    3. More practical examples of different classes of levers
  7. Tools with two or more levers
    1. Pairs of first-class levers
    2. More tools with levers
    3. Many levers in one device
  8. Mini-pat design a life-saving tool
    1. Week 1
    2. Another way to move objects from a distance (30 minutes)
  9. Shells, frames and solids
    1. Things called structures
    2. Man-made and natural structures
    3. Types of structures
  10. Frame structures
  11. Things to consider
  12. Mini-pat: a model cellphone tower
  13. Magnetism
    1. What is magnetism?
    2. Permanent magnets and the magnetic fields
    3. Which substances will stick to a magnet?
  14. Investigation: metals and magnetism
    1. Magnetic and non-magnetic materials
    2. Case study: recycling scrap metals
    3. Recycling plan for your school
  15. Simple electric circuits
    1. Circuits and components
    2. Building your own electrical circuit
    3. Electromagnets
  16. Simple mechanisms combined
    1. Machines combine simple mechanisms
    2. Pulleys - mechanical advantage from ropes and cables
    3. Combining mechanisms
  17. Build a model crane
    1. Week 1
    2. Week 2
    3. Week 3
    4. Week 4
    5. Week 5
    6. Week 6
  18. Emergency situations
    1. Situations that cause people to become refugees
    2. Initial problems facing refugees
    3. Refugees in a foreign land
  19. Processing food for emergency situations
    1. Investigate types of food
    2. Investigate your refugee camp
    3. .3 write a design brief to feed your refugee camp
  20. Making and evaluating emergency meals
    1. Method for preparing part of a meal
    2. Prepare the food
    3. Evaluate the food
  21. Protective clothing
    1. Emergency services
    2. Clothing for emergency workers
    3. Investigate protective clothing and emergency equipment
  22. Mini-pat: shelters for refugees
    1. Week 1
    2. Week 2
    3. Make part 1
    4. Week 3
    5. Design part 2
    6. Make part 2