1. Whole numbers
    1. Properties of whole numbers
    2. Calculations with whole numbers
    3. Multiples, factors and prime factors
    4. Solving problems
  2. Integers
    1. What is beyond
    2. Adding and subtracting with integers
    3. Multiplying and dividing with integers
    4. Squares, cubes and roots with integers
  3. Exponents
    1. Revision
    2. Working with integers
    3. Laws of exponents
    4. Calculations
    5. Squares, cubes and roots of rational numbers
    6. Scientific notation
  4. Numeric and geometric patterns
    1. The term-term relationship in a sequence
    2. The position-term relationship in a sequence
    3. Investigating and extending geometric patterns
    4. Describing patterns in different ways
  5. Functions and relationships
    1. Constant and variable quantities
    2. Different ways to describe relationships
    3. Algebraic symbols for variables and relationships
  6. Algebraic expressions
    1. Algebraic language
    2. Add and subtract like terms
  7. Algebraic equations
    1. Setting up equations
    2. Solving equations by inspection
    3. More examples
  8. Term revision and assessment
    1. Revision
    2. Assessment
  9. Algebraic equations
    1. Setting up equations
    2. Solving equations by inspection
    3. More examples
  10. Term revision and assessment
    1. Revision
    2. Assessment
  11. Chapter algebraic expressions
    1. Expanding algebraic expressions
    2. Simplifying algebraic expressions
    3. Simplifying quotient expressions
    4. Squares, cubes and roots of expressions
  12. Algebraic equations
    1. Thinking forwards and backwards
    2. Solving equations using the additive and multiplicative inverses
    3. Solving equations involving powers
  13. Construction of geometric figures
    1. Bisecting lines
    2. Constructing perpendicular lines
    3. Bisecting angles
    4. Constructing special angles without a protractor
    5. Constructing triangles
    6. Properties of triangles
    7. Properties of quadrilaterals
    8. Constructing quadrilaterals
  14. Geometry of shapes
    1. Types of triangles
    2. Unknown angles and sides of triangles
    3. Types of quadrilaterals and their properties
    4. Unknown angles and sides of quadrilaterals
    5. Congruency
    6. Similarity
  15. Geometry of straight lines
    1. Angles on a straight line
    2. Vertically opposite angles
    3. Lines intersected by a transversal
    4. Parallel lines intersected by a transversal
    5. Finding unknown angles on parallel lines
    6. Solving more geometric problems
  16. Term revision and assessment
    1. Revision
    2. Assessment
  17. Common fractions
    1. Equivalent fractions
    2. Adding and subtracting fractions
    3. Tenths and hundredths and thousandths
    4. Fraction of a fraction
    5. Division by a fraction
  18. Fractions in decimal notation
    1. Equivalent forms
    2. Ordering and comparing decimal fractions
    3. Rounding off decimal fractions
    4. Calculations with decimal fractions
    5. Solving problems

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